Full Moon In Aquarius

Tonight marks the Full Moon In Aquarius and is being hailed as a Rare Blue Supermoon. Supermoon’s simply mean that the moon will be closer to us so will be appearing larger in the sky and with that, its energies will be amplified.

This supermoon is all about Aquarius. Ever heard the song “this is the dawning of the age of “Aquarius” well we have been in that age for some time now. Aquarius is all about the collective consciousness. This is the term we use for societies awareness and awakening. The world does seem quite mad these days, this is due to the mass cloud of low densities rising to the top to be released, as we as a collective go through the mass awakening.

As we go through yet another paradigm shift, this Full Moon is helping us to see all that no longer serves us. Casting light upon the dark so we can again work on our shadows. We are always learning and growing and changing, this is what all light beings must go through when on the quest for ascension. Remember, one person can change everything because all it takes is for one person to stand in their light, to work on their soul growth, for the rest to be inspired to do so. This is how society works. And this is what we are seeing in the world. Where there is chaos there is also healing The best way to help the collective is to stand in your own light and work on yourself.

Lean in to the illuminating energies of this Supermoon by meeting yourself with grace. Allow the old societal views and false personas to fall away to reveal your own authentic truths. Be brave in acting those out verbally, through actions and also through energy. Intention is a powerful tool, with the right and aligned intention behind you, you truly are unstoppable. Don’t forget to ground during this time, with great release comes an unbalance. Focusing on your root and earth star chakras will help keep you rooted in a balanced prospective. This is a time of great release so be kind, allow what wants to come to the surface and give yourself the space and time to express and release it. Don’t be tempted to try and leap ahead. Have a bless Full Moon, love and light.


New Moon In Virgo


Lions Gate Portal 8:8:8