New Moon In Cancer

Tonight marks the New Moon In Cancer. A beautifully feminine moon, the element of water and its free flowing energies are pouring through.

Cancer is an incredibly intuitive sign. This New Moon is urging us to find our own divine flow and set up home within ourselves. A truly emotive sign, it lends its energies to expression. Helping us to embrace our true natures, become more in tune with ourselves and express our authentic selves at any given moment or phase.

There is great power in embodying all that we are. Truly connecting to our own divinity allows us to harness all of our frequency and truly step in to our own power. Like the water we can rage, we can crash mighty waves against the rocks and carve in to them, and we can also be still and peaceful. Both of these sides hold power and reverence. That is the art of duality. This New Moon calls for us to embrace all facets of ourselves and play them each to our strengths. This is a time to truly go inwards, to allow you intuition to be heard loud and clear, and light the way for your forward movement. Get out of your heads and flow back in to the heart, for it’s the way of the heart that allows us to walk this intuitive path. Everything in life is guided by intuition, learning to flow with it is such a graceful and natural thing. That truly is our natural state and nature. Have a blessed new moon. Love and light.


Full Moon In Capricorn

