Full Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay Full Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay

Full Moon In Capricorn

The Full Moon In Capricorn marks the end of this emotionally charged cancer season. See what this Earth sign has in store for us, read our blog to find out!

Tomorrow marks the Full Moon In Capricorn and sees the end of the emotionally charged cancer season. Giving us the time and space to deal with the stirrings this season ignited within us all. This shift allows for us to develop our discernment, making it easier to navigate what we need to work on and what we can choose to let go of.

The last new moon in Capricorn was some 6 months ago. During this time, we set our intentions and began manifesting those hopes and wishes for this year. As this Full moon in Capricorn brings a close to the cancer season, we are able to sit back and inspect the path we have traveled. Have you made progress with your intentions? Have you noticed progress within your healing or even new emotional needs that may have meant you drifted off track? Now’s the time to take stock and adjust anything that may need re-aligning or even, being brave enough to change direction if that’s what you are being called to do. Checking in with yourself and your authenticity is what’s most important here. What we thought we wanted 6 months ago may not actually align with ourselves anymore.

It’s time that we hold our emotions, disect them, find the truth and the honesty within them. We need to be strong in our self care and deliberate in holding space for ourselves. It’s now that we need to either re-visit or begin to carve out very sacred spaces in our lives, to allow us to hold our emotions in. We need these pockets of inwardness to allow us to really get to know ourselves and make the changes we need in order for our growth. You can be selfish in a positive way! How else will you ever transcend what’s been weighing you down, what’s been causing challenges for you in life, if you don’t ever indulge yourself in those moments. Going inwards is granting yourself time and space to connect to your inner thoughts and feelings. Allowing your intuition to speak to you and learning or unlearning things about yourselves that will, directly lead to personal growth and healing in your lives.

This full moon is giving us all an amazing opportunity to truly connect with ourselves and release a lot of the stuck energies we are carrying around within our light bodies - that have been having an effect on us in our everyday lives. Capricorn is an Earth sign, which is the perfect energy we need right now to ground our own light bodies and our emotions, deeply, to bring ourselves back in to balance and see and feel things through a clear, balanced prospective. This will prove vital for us, when making those life changing decisions and reassessing where are, in our healing journeys for this year. Take comfort from yourselves, you are the safe harbour for life’s storms. Never forget that. Have a blessed full moon. Love and light.

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