New Moons Niki Nay New Moons Niki Nay

New Moon & Solar Eclipse In Libra

Eclipse season is well underway. Lets see what the new moon in Libra and this Solar Eclipse has instore for us!

Tonight marks the New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse ♎️


Solar Eclipses hold the same energies as New Moons, only amplified. These offer the chance for manifestation, growth, transformation and change. This New moon and Solar Eclipse falls in the sign of Libra and is set to bring some chaos our way.


Libra is an Air Sign. Air Signs are all about constant motion, change, sociableness and excitement. Libra is known as the sign of balance and justice as depicted by the scales. This New Moon is all about the combination of the sometimes chaotic air sign and the balancing energies of Libra. We need to come together and work as a collective to find peace within conflicting energies. The world can seem quite mad during these current times and there has been a lot of division created within the collective. The energy of Libra is coming through to help us remember that we are all part of that collective. To work with one another, to offer understanding whilst holding sometimes contradicting views or values and to grow with and from others, and in so, help others to grow. It is here to teach us about balance and invoke us, to bring more balance in to our lives.


This new moon is very relationship based. We must first take note of the relationship we have with ourselves. Are there any unbalances there that need equalling out? It’s a time to really look at the people we surround ourselves with. Are they helping us to grow in some way, are they bringing up triggers for us that we can alchemise? Are we looking at things selfishly, or based on the full prospective?


Solar Eclipses always bring energetic chaos, it’s there to ruffle our feathers and invite us in to deeper healing. Allow this time to work through what arises and come back to a state of balance. When we come back to a place of balance within ourselves, we create inner peace. Inner peace cascades out and permeates what is around us. It is through this peace, this love, that even the deepest wounds can heal and where the most loving relationships will grow. Have a blessed new moon and solar eclipse. Love and light.


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Full Moons Niki Nay Full Moons Niki Nay

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Pisces

The Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Pisces is here! Find out what this water sign has instore for us.

Tonight marks the Full Moon In Pisces and with it, a Lunar Eclipse ♓️ 

Eclipses are basically supercharged moons and with this one being a full moon (lunar eclipse) it’s all about change. Lunar Eclipses are transitional periods energetically, where we see and have the opportunity to welcome in change and transformation. This is the start of eclipse season again, with each eclipse working together to usher in the new energies much like a domino effect. This marks a period of change, the ending of chapters and a chance to find solace in much needed closure. 

The Full Moon in Pisces is here to offer us some much needed healing. Pisces is a water sign, allowing us to tune in to those deep set emotional wounds and helping us to release and heal from them. This water sign also speaks of connection, intuition and spirituality. The Full Moon is encouraging you to dive in to your own spirituality, asking you to connect to your consciousness and the vast possibilities that come with such. It’s time to open yourselves up to new realms of spirituality, of thought, in order to evolve. This really is a magical time to explore the energies that come up for yourselves and dive deeper in to your evolution of understanding within them. If you are ready, it’s quite literally time to level up! 

 As this is a supermoon, the energies are amplified so remember to be kind, keep grounded and keep hydrated. Understand that everything that comes up, does so for your own growth and evolution. It is working for you, not against you. Though there is pain in release, there is solace in the growth. Have a blessed full moon. I am very intrigued and excited about this one. Love and light.

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New Moons, Full Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay New Moons, Full Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay

New Moon In Gemini

Tonight marks the New Moon In Gemini. An air sign, this new moon is very much energetically lending itself to the mental realms. Read our post to find out more.

Tonight marks the New Moon In Gemini This is an exciting new moon as gemini is an Air Sign. Air signs are all about communication, taking action and applying thought to everything.

This new moon is buzzing with the energies from this social sign. It’s time to gather our tribe, share our inspirations/ideas and get busy experiencing what life has to offer. This new moon is asking us to look at our mindsets, thought processes, beliefs and expectations. This way we can learn why we see things the way we currently do and shift perspectives to ensure we stay on track with our personal goals.

Gemini can also have a very ungrounded energy. Our minds can race, we can jump from thought to thought and even become too enthralled with our internal thoughts. We can also become overwhelmed with our emotions and find it more difficult to decipher what we are feeling, as these energies can throw us off. Make sure to take time out to ground when you feel these energies rising. Don’t become too caught up in the logical, it will only distract you from listening to your intuition - which is always the way to go. Let the energies come up for you and create balance between the logical side of yourselves, and your intuitive instincts. What we think we in turn create so it’s important to highlight the areas in which we feel stuck of stagnant and adjust accordingly. Thought and intention are incredibly powerful and this new moon is all about realising how our mindsets have a direct effect on how we manifest.

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Spiritual Topics Niki Nay Spiritual Topics Niki Nay

Dark Night Of The Soul

Have you ever wondered why your spiritual journey has at

times been so hard? You may be experiencing your own Dark Night Of The Soul.

. Dark Night Of The Soul .

Have any of you lovely lot ever heard of this phrase before? Have you gone through it? Are you currently going through it? We’d love to know. So for those of you who aren’t aware of this phrase, what is the Dark Night Of The Soul?

As we walk the path of light, back to our true and authentic selves and reconnect with the truth that we are the light beings and not the body, we in turn raise our vibrations and begin to ascend. There are two sides to such, one side that speaks of the light - all the good and amazing high vibrational things that we align with when doing such, and the other speaks of the dark - the lower emotions and the struggles of ascending. This is what the dark night of the soul is. Please do not be afraid. It can be a difficult journey but it’s only a temporary stage in our enlightenment which once we come through, leads to the most beautiful life filled with authenticity and perfect alignment.

As we raise our vibrations, as we begin to ascend we in turn leave behind all that no longer serves us. This can be the start of a period of time where we see those things no longer in alignment with ourselves, fall away. Though it is for our best interests and will undoubtedly lead to new things coming in to our lives that are in perfect alignment with our higher energies, it can be a hard time of adjustment and an emotionally charged time as we say goodbye. It is not uncommon during this time to see the breakdown of friendships and relationships as sometimes, not everyone can grow with us.

We can also see changes in our career, interests and desires. We can see small changes and sometimes we can see big changes, depending on where we are at in our ascension journey and how much things are currently aligned or not aligned with such. I like to refer to this period of time as growing pains, as we challenge ourselves to face and work through the shadow work that presents itself to us. As we grow in light, we open up space and room for healing, transcending all that is of the dark (which is merely just empty space for the light to inhabit) and bringing new light to those areas - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It’s a time of dedication, perseverance, growing, learning and unlearning. It can still be a beautiful time as healing work is magical, it is alchemy after all. It can be fun to learn, grow and widen your horizons and push the boundaries of your beliefs. I promise you though you may see many people exit your life during this time you will eventually find new wonderful people who share that same energy with you. When that happens, it is truly magical. As painful as goodbyes can be, the welcoming into a new family, often a soul family, can be absolutely life changing and bring about an even deeper period of healing, surrounded by unconditional love and unwavering support.

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