New Moons, Full Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay New Moons, Full Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay

New Moon In Gemini

Tonight marks the New Moon In Gemini. An air sign, this new moon is very much energetically lending itself to the mental realms. Read our post to find out more.

Tonight marks the New Moon In Gemini This is an exciting new moon as gemini is an Air Sign. Air signs are all about communication, taking action and applying thought to everything.

This new moon is buzzing with the energies from this social sign. It’s time to gather our tribe, share our inspirations/ideas and get busy experiencing what life has to offer. This new moon is asking us to look at our mindsets, thought processes, beliefs and expectations. This way we can learn why we see things the way we currently do and shift perspectives to ensure we stay on track with our personal goals.

Gemini can also have a very ungrounded energy. Our minds can race, we can jump from thought to thought and even become too enthralled with our internal thoughts. We can also become overwhelmed with our emotions and find it more difficult to decipher what we are feeling, as these energies can throw us off. Make sure to take time out to ground when you feel these energies rising. Don’t become too caught up in the logical, it will only distract you from listening to your intuition - which is always the way to go. Let the energies come up for you and create balance between the logical side of yourselves, and your intuitive instincts. What we think we in turn create so it’s important to highlight the areas in which we feel stuck of stagnant and adjust accordingly. Thought and intention are incredibly powerful and this new moon is all about realising how our mindsets have a direct effect on how we manifest.

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Full Moons, New Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay Full Moons, New Moons, Spiritual Topics Niki Nay

Full Moon In Sagittarius

Tomorrow night marks the Full Moon In Sagittarius. Find out what this Fire Sign has in store for us.

Tomorrow night marks the Full Moon In Sagittarius As always, full moons are about releasing and with the full moon being a fire sign, it invokes transformation.

It’s time we face what no longer serves us with honesty and bravery as we commit to the long needed change and release them. Fear is something we all struggle with from time to time and lately it’s crept back in. The fear of stepping outside of our comfort zones and facing all of those shadows, piece by piece has forced us to sometimes cling to the familiar, no matter how much it doesn’t serve us. This full moon is shedding light on those areas, and asking us to step in to our power as we release them, once and for all. Greatness lies outside of our comfort zones.

Sagittarius is the eternal knowledge seeker, the globe trotter. Seeking adventures of new. This energy is coming in to support us and challenge us to step outside of the norms and embrace the new adventures and new cycles once more. It’s time to shake off those old stagnant energies and start a new exciting journey who’s with me .

This full moon is asking us to be brave, to face all of our shadows, identify the areas where fear has crept back in and be brave enough to cast them aside. Usually new moons are full of excitement for the new energies we will be welcoming in but I very much feel that excitement this full moon too. Have a blessed full moon and good luck on your new adventures

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