New Moons Niki Nay New Moons Niki Nay

New Moon & Solar Eclipse In Libra

Eclipse season is well underway. Lets see what the new moon in Libra and this Solar Eclipse has instore for us!

Tonight marks the New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse ♎️


Solar Eclipses hold the same energies as New Moons, only amplified. These offer the chance for manifestation, growth, transformation and change. This New moon and Solar Eclipse falls in the sign of Libra and is set to bring some chaos our way.


Libra is an Air Sign. Air Signs are all about constant motion, change, sociableness and excitement. Libra is known as the sign of balance and justice as depicted by the scales. This New Moon is all about the combination of the sometimes chaotic air sign and the balancing energies of Libra. We need to come together and work as a collective to find peace within conflicting energies. The world can seem quite mad during these current times and there has been a lot of division created within the collective. The energy of Libra is coming through to help us remember that we are all part of that collective. To work with one another, to offer understanding whilst holding sometimes contradicting views or values and to grow with and from others, and in so, help others to grow. It is here to teach us about balance and invoke us, to bring more balance in to our lives.


This new moon is very relationship based. We must first take note of the relationship we have with ourselves. Are there any unbalances there that need equalling out? It’s a time to really look at the people we surround ourselves with. Are they helping us to grow in some way, are they bringing up triggers for us that we can alchemise? Are we looking at things selfishly, or based on the full prospective?


Solar Eclipses always bring energetic chaos, it’s there to ruffle our feathers and invite us in to deeper healing. Allow this time to work through what arises and come back to a state of balance. When we come back to a place of balance within ourselves, we create inner peace. Inner peace cascades out and permeates what is around us. It is through this peace, this love, that even the deepest wounds can heal and where the most loving relationships will grow. Have a blessed new moon and solar eclipse. Love and light.


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