Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay

Lions Gate Portal 8:8:8

The 8th August marks the Lion’s Gate Portal here on Earth. This is a time where a surplus of higher vibrational light cascades down to our light bodies, flooding us with accelerated ascension light. Find out what this means and how best to harness this.

Today marks the Lion’s Gate Portal. A time where we are flooded with a wonderful surplus of light, activation codes, downloads etc and a time where our light bodies can absorb and integrate much more higher levels of light, speeding up the ascension process. Essentially we are light being and the more light we take on, the more light we bring in to our fields, the higher we ascend mentally, physically and spiritually.

The lions gate portal falls in the sign of Leo, hence the lion’s gate and brings forward the attributes of Leo, as well as, the energetic numbers of 8:8:8. The 8th day of the 8th month, finished off with an 8 year in numerology (2024 = 2+0+2+4=8)

In numerology 8 signifies abundance, prosperity, leadership, creation, manifestation, transformation and so on. This is a potent time for change as the increase in light accelerates the ascension process. Be warned however, that this is not a time of action. Those of us who choose to listen to our bodies and light bodies will notice the ascension’s symptoms we are so often plagued with, when integrating such higher levels of light. These can be headaches, purging symptoms and stomach issues and even fatigue. Be gentle with yourselves as you integrate this new wave of light, make sure you are grounding, balancing yourselves and journalling as more light will also illuminate more shadows. This can be an emotionally charged time, so take time out to really look after yourselves.

For those who are intrigued and new to the Lion’s Portal and the concept of light and light integration, here is an amazing article I found online which explains it perfectly - https://www.ask-angels.com/.../the-888-lions-gate.../

Have a wonderful lions gateway. I already feel lighter and dare I say a little giddy from the ascension energies. Today will be a day of good organic, healthy food fuel, rest and grounding for me.

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Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay


Meditation has many benefits to it, not just for mind but also, body and soul. Discover some of the many benefits meditation has to offer with our latest blog.

Meditation is not just an amazing spiritual tool, it benefits mind, body and soul! Did you know meditation:

. Calms the nervous system. When we relax our nervous system switches from an autonomic - fight or flight mode to a parasympathetic nervous system - which is when our bodies can begin to heal.

. Is an excellent tool to combat stress. Again, when we are stressed our autonomic nervous system is triggered. Taking us in to a state of fight of flight. Our bodies are running then on the adrenal that is produced as a result, which can damage our organs over time. Relaxation helps to combat stress and bring our bodies back in to a parasympathetic nervous system which is our natural mode for healing. Our body can start to repair.

. Improves sleep. Meditation encourages you to slow your breathing down. This helps to put the body in to a state of relaxation. When we slow our breathing down we in turn lower our heart rate. Both of these help us to drift off to sleep.

. Improves mood which helps our overall well being and enjoyment in life. Meditation helps us to quiet the mind, allows us to go with the flow and allow thoughts and stresses to come and go without attachment or judgement. This helps us to feel less burdened and boosts our overall mood.

. Improves fitness. Sitting during meditation helps us to strengthen our cores and develop muscle memory. This is also true for the rhythmic breathing associated with meditation - slow breaths in through the nose, making sure to extend the belly and breathe through that area, rather than breathing through the chest so that the ribcage rises and falls. It can also help improve focus and clarity.

. Improves our physical and mental health. Meditating can boost your immune system. This is due to the relaxed state you enter and as explained above, when our parasympathetic nervous system is running the show, our bodies can begin to physically heal and repair. Stress is also linked to an inflammatory response in the body. Inflammation is at the route of every disease, creating an unhealthy environment from within. When we meditate and relax, we activate our vagus nerve. Increased vagal tone (which is activity of the vagus nerve) can modulate cytokine release. Cytokines are signalling proteins that help control inflammation in the body. Therefore, meditation has been linked with reduction of inflammation. Meditation also lowers blood pressure which leads to improved heart health.

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Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay

Tips On How To Journal

Ever wanted to try journalling but stuck on how to start? Check out some of our great tips to help you connect with yourself and take care of you emotional and mental health.

The key to healing is connection. In order to heal something we first need to make friends with it. It’s through coming to know all aspects of it, that we can transcend it. There are levels to any shadow work and the roots often run deep. Journalling is an excellent way to understand those multi faceted layers of ourselves. Here are some tips on how to begin your journey with such:

. Put pen to paper. Take a moment to really let the pen rest on the paper. This can allow us to become fully present which makes it easier to tune in to our thoughts or feelings. Often, just taking a moment can lead to intuitive writing. And you’ll find things naturally begin to flow.

. Ask yourself questions. Struggling to connect or not sure on how to begin? Try asking yourself questions like “how are you feeling today?” Still drawing a blank… give a run down of the events of your day or week and see what topics or situations emerge.

. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Shadow work is often detective work. Connecting the dots can have its own process. If you feel you aren’t hitting the nail on the head, come back to it and see if you have a fresh prospective on it after a breather. It takes time and effort to unravel and learn from healing work. Don’t put pressure on yourself to get over something. You will, once you have uncovered and put effort in to healing all aspects of it.

. This is a judgement free zone. Often, you’ll find unexpected thoughts or feelings may arise as you get in to the nitty gritty of what’s on your mind. Don’t judge yourself if something you thought you breezed past, actually did have a reaction that you’ve come to uncover. Remember, shadow work allows us to bring light to past, present and even future self limiting beliefs so that we can move past them. They are teaching tools. Every thought, feeling and trigger is working with us, to help us to grow. They are friends, not foes.

. Be consistent. Consistency really is key. The more you journal the more connected you are to self. This will help you to understand your thought processes and inner workings more easily. You’ll find over time it becomes second nature to know what’s on your mind, in your heart, and what to do to heal it.

. Enjoy the experience. Sure, healing work requires courage but notice how even after the heaviest journalling session, you feel lighter for having gotten it all off your chest. Even after a good crying session, you’ll find you always feel better. Releasing energy is freeing and good for our overall well being. Journalling allows you to develop a deep connection to self. This is a wonderful relationship to have, as you’ll learn to appreciate and love the many aspects that make up you and love as we know, is incredibly healing. It’s completely possible to feel loved and supported by yourself alone don’t forget unconditional love starts at home.

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