Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay

Lions Gate Portal 8:8:8

The 8th August marks the Lion’s Gate Portal here on Earth. This is a time where a surplus of higher vibrational light cascades down to our light bodies, flooding us with accelerated ascension light. Find out what this means and how best to harness this.

Today marks the Lion’s Gate Portal. A time where we are flooded with a wonderful surplus of light, activation codes, downloads etc and a time where our light bodies can absorb and integrate much more higher levels of light, speeding up the ascension process. Essentially we are light being and the more light we take on, the more light we bring in to our fields, the higher we ascend mentally, physically and spiritually.

The lions gate portal falls in the sign of Leo, hence the lion’s gate and brings forward the attributes of Leo, as well as, the energetic numbers of 8:8:8. The 8th day of the 8th month, finished off with an 8 year in numerology (2024 = 2+0+2+4=8)

In numerology 8 signifies abundance, prosperity, leadership, creation, manifestation, transformation and so on. This is a potent time for change as the increase in light accelerates the ascension process. Be warned however, that this is not a time of action. Those of us who choose to listen to our bodies and light bodies will notice the ascension’s symptoms we are so often plagued with, when integrating such higher levels of light. These can be headaches, purging symptoms and stomach issues and even fatigue. Be gentle with yourselves as you integrate this new wave of light, make sure you are grounding, balancing yourselves and journalling as more light will also illuminate more shadows. This can be an emotionally charged time, so take time out to really look after yourselves.

For those who are intrigued and new to the Lion’s Portal and the concept of light and light integration, here is an amazing article I found online which explains it perfectly - https://www.ask-angels.com/.../the-888-lions-gate.../

Have a wonderful lions gateway. I already feel lighter and dare I say a little giddy from the ascension energies. Today will be a day of good organic, healthy food fuel, rest and grounding for me.

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