Full Moons Niki Nay Full Moons Niki Nay

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Pisces

The Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Pisces is here! Find out what this water sign has instore for us.

Tonight marks the Full Moon In Pisces and with it, a Lunar Eclipse ♓️ 

Eclipses are basically supercharged moons and with this one being a full moon (lunar eclipse) it’s all about change. Lunar Eclipses are transitional periods energetically, where we see and have the opportunity to welcome in change and transformation. This is the start of eclipse season again, with each eclipse working together to usher in the new energies much like a domino effect. This marks a period of change, the ending of chapters and a chance to find solace in much needed closure. 

The Full Moon in Pisces is here to offer us some much needed healing. Pisces is a water sign, allowing us to tune in to those deep set emotional wounds and helping us to release and heal from them. This water sign also speaks of connection, intuition and spirituality. The Full Moon is encouraging you to dive in to your own spirituality, asking you to connect to your consciousness and the vast possibilities that come with such. It’s time to open yourselves up to new realms of spirituality, of thought, in order to evolve. This really is a magical time to explore the energies that come up for yourselves and dive deeper in to your evolution of understanding within them. If you are ready, it’s quite literally time to level up! 

 As this is a supermoon, the energies are amplified so remember to be kind, keep grounded and keep hydrated. Understand that everything that comes up, does so for your own growth and evolution. It is working for you, not against you. Though there is pain in release, there is solace in the growth. Have a blessed full moon. I am very intrigued and excited about this one. Love and light.

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Spiritual Topics Niki Nay Spiritual Topics Niki Nay


Want to start using your intuition more but not sure where to begin? Are you having a hard time trusting it? Check out our quick and easy tips to help grow your connection and trust, with your intuition.

. Trust Your Intuition .

Something we hear all the time right? But we’ve had a few questions lately from some of you who are struggling with how to connect to such. I know I always start off with the same thing but it’s important to know, when it comes to your own natural talents it’s always best to go with what feels right for you. Just because a certain way resonates with one, does not mean it will resonate with you.

The best way to learn how to trust your intuition is to use it! You know that gut feeling, that’s your intuition talking to you. Listen to it and go with your instincts. Here are a few easy tips or exercises I like to suggest to help you with such:

. Play the card game. This can also work with anything like colours, pictures etc but, for the sake of this let’s use oracle or tarot cards. Sit down and draw a card. Take a moment to ground yourself, open yourself up to spirit, to source and ask your higher (inner self) or guides to help you to receive the messages clearly. Then take some time to look at the card. Connect with its energy, what images are you seeing, do you hear words? Are you getting an emotion, a sense or a vibe? Do this on a regular basis to strengthen both your connection and your listening abilities.

. Fake it until you make it. Ever been around someone who seems perfectly lovely but you get an off feeling about them. That’s your intuition talking. Energetically you are reading their energy. You might not understand it at first, but put your faith in your gut feeling and follow it blindly anyway. I promise you it won’t steer you wrong. The more you do this, the stronger it will become and the more faith you’ll have in your intuition. Sometimes it can be hard to “fake” trust in the early days but, try and take that leap of faith. It’s the first step. How can you learn to trust it, if you don’t ever allow it to make your decisions for you?

. Discernment. You will need to learn what is truly a gut feeling and what is a projected fear or belief. You can do this by listening to your body, where does the energy sit, where is it coming from when you feel it? Are there emotions or fears attached or is it just a pure feeling? Usually gut feelings, intuitive feelings will not have an emotion and especially a fear attached. That’s usually a projection that your ego is putting out there to try and hold you back from a situation. Remember ego does not like to be challenged, it wants to protect itself because challenging the ego results in an ego death.

. Make sure you are coming from your heart centre and not your head. When we think too much we are on our heads and we need to bring our energy and our awareness back in to our hearts. Here, in the heart space is where we truly connect. It is through pure feeling (not to be confused with emotion but sensing) that we receive our intuitive messages. If you catch yourself in your head space, pause and take a few deep breaths. Imagine roots coming from your feet, grounding you back in to the earth. Then start to drop your awareness from you thoughts and your minds, to your heart space - connecting to what you are feeling, the energy you feel, where’s it sitting, what smells or noises can you hear. Quiet the minds chatter and just allow yourself to feel a situation out. I know it sounds so easy and yet quite hard but honestly, once we quiet the mind and become present again, taking ourselves away from the many distractions this busy world likes to throw at us, we come back to our natural state and you will begin to feel and sense again. That is our natural state of being. Tune out to tune in.

. Leave the judgement at home. Another important thing to remember is to treat yourselves and your intuition with love and gratitude. Believe me, there is a reason it’s speaking to you and even if you never find out why, always know it is right and working for your best interests. That person who just felt so off to you, may of ended up hurting you had you let them in. That person cosying up to you that you felt the need to reject, may not have had your best interests at heart. The whole smile to your face and laugh behind your back sound familiar to you? That job you just felt like you needed to decline even though you couldn’t find a logical reason why, could have lead to a very unhappy work life. Sometimes, it’s ok to never know why you felt something. We don’t need to know why, in order to act on something. That’s what instinct is all about.

. Get to know yourself. I know it may sound silly but, how many of you have sat and held space for yourselves? I’m talking about listening to your feelings, listening to what your body, your heart and your mind wants to say to you because believe me, they are talking to you all the time. Do you know your patterns of thought, your prospectives, your wounds or triggers? Do you truly know what you believe in life and what your true belief is about yourself. Once we know how we work, we can observe our energy easier. It becomes easier to discern between the mind and the heart, an emotion, fear or self limiting belief and a pure natural instinct. No two people will ever be the same and the best person to get to know and understand you is yourself.

Why not try these suggestions out and let us know how they work for you and if this doesn’t resonate with you, amazing! Keep following your gut.

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New Moons Niki Nay New Moons Niki Nay

New Moon In Virgo

As we approach the end of this year, lets see what the New Moon In Virgo has in store for us.

Tomorrow marks the New Moon In Virgo ♍️

Earth signs are all about being the creators, the doers. This New Moon is asking us to shine a light on our perspectives and our hearts. This is a time to cast aside the insecurities, the self doubts and feelings of unworthiness and look at the incredible potential you hold within you. To truly step in to our full power we have to balance the light and the dark aspects of ourselves. Understanding that each plays a vital role with the other. Self love and forgiveness are at the heart of this New Moon, as we heal those inner wounds, begin to move past the obstacles and set about working on how we can best see and achieve this hidden potential within us all.

Times have been tough lately and self criticism and judgement has crept in. The truth is we all make mistakes. Some bigger than others but there are lessons to each of those. No one is perfect, you have forgiven others for their mistakes, so why not forgive yourselves? We can be our toughest critics and our own worst enemies. Why do you lack the self love? Treat yourselves the way you would others. Love on yourselves, understand yourselves and most of all - Forgive yourselves! The could have, should have or would have does us no good! Everything has unfolded how it was meant to, in order to help you on your ascension journey. Remember, we are all light, assisting other light 🤍. Every situation good or bad plays a role in our journey. Send love to that experience, analyse it and understand what it came to teach you or help you release and then move on with love, compassion and forgiveness… no really! Dwelling on mistakes does not benefit us in any way. The lesson needed to be learnt, you’ve learnt from it, so let’s thank it and move on by applying it to the future 🤍.

I always find this simple question helps me get out of my funk. Is this expansive? Does this take me closer to my goal or further away. The same can be applied for the things we dwell on or that weigh heavy on our hearts. Does it feel expansive or limited? Does it help you move forward or does it keep you stuck? The best way to release is literally to express it. This new moon may weigh a little heavy on some peoples hearts this time around but know, those feelings are being assisted by this beautiful new moon, so that they can come up for you to heal and release. It’s not the nicest feeling to rip the bandaid off but, it’s always for your greatest and highest good. Have a blessed New Moon. Love and light.

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Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay Spiritual Topics, Well Being Niki Nay

Lions Gate Portal 8:8:8

The 8th August marks the Lion’s Gate Portal here on Earth. This is a time where a surplus of higher vibrational light cascades down to our light bodies, flooding us with accelerated ascension light. Find out what this means and how best to harness this.

Today marks the Lion’s Gate Portal. A time where we are flooded with a wonderful surplus of light, activation codes, downloads etc and a time where our light bodies can absorb and integrate much more higher levels of light, speeding up the ascension process. Essentially we are light being and the more light we take on, the more light we bring in to our fields, the higher we ascend mentally, physically and spiritually.

The lions gate portal falls in the sign of Leo, hence the lion’s gate and brings forward the attributes of Leo, as well as, the energetic numbers of 8:8:8. The 8th day of the 8th month, finished off with an 8 year in numerology (2024 = 2+0+2+4=8)

In numerology 8 signifies abundance, prosperity, leadership, creation, manifestation, transformation and so on. This is a potent time for change as the increase in light accelerates the ascension process. Be warned however, that this is not a time of action. Those of us who choose to listen to our bodies and light bodies will notice the ascension’s symptoms we are so often plagued with, when integrating such higher levels of light. These can be headaches, purging symptoms and stomach issues and even fatigue. Be gentle with yourselves as you integrate this new wave of light, make sure you are grounding, balancing yourselves and journalling as more light will also illuminate more shadows. This can be an emotionally charged time, so take time out to really look after yourselves.

For those who are intrigued and new to the Lion’s Portal and the concept of light and light integration, here is an amazing article I found online which explains it perfectly - https://www.ask-angels.com/.../the-888-lions-gate.../

Have a wonderful lions gateway. I already feel lighter and dare I say a little giddy from the ascension energies. Today will be a day of good organic, healthy food fuel, rest and grounding for me.

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